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The module, with the L298N as controller, is a double H-bridge motor driver with little heat production and interference. The module can even handle a peak voltage of 46v and a peak current of 3A.
This module can control up to 2A with a power of 25w. With this a 2-phase stepper motor, a 4-phase stepper motor or two DC motors can be driven.
The built-in 78M05 chip is powered by the driver voltage, so when the driver voltage rises above 12V, an external 5V power supply must be connected.


  • Double H bridge drive Chip: L298N (ST NEW)
  • Digital voltage: 5V
  • Driver voltage: 5V - 35V
  • Logic consumption: 0mA - 36mA
  • Driver current: 2A (MAX single bridge)
  • Max power: 25W

If ENA enable

  • IN1 IN2 control OUT1 OUT2

If ENB enable

  • IN3 IN4 control OUT3 OUT4

L298 HBRIDGE Motor Driver


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