DMG 48270 C043-15 WTR
The First two letters DM mean DWIN Smart LCM Product Line
G means (18-bit/24-bit) 262K colors
48270 means 480 by 270-pixel resolution
C means Commercial grade display
043 means a 4.3 inch Display size
1 means a Basic type of screen with Shell
5 is Hardware version
W stands for Wide Temperature
TR Stands for Resistive Touch panel
This particular model DMG 48270 C043_15WTR has only 8MB Flash (Most other models have 16MB). It has a different type of 8 pin 2.0mm connector for communication.
Only RS232 supported.
DC supply is 12v 1A.
ICL file to be generated for background images are stored as 23.icl and not 32.icl as done for other models.
Also CFG file to be edited for 23.icl. Naming Range for Icons and font is 0 to 31 (normal 16MB flash models it is 0-63)
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