- Able to detect ambient brightness and light intensity
- Adjustable sensitivity (via blue digital potentiometer adjustment)
- Operating voltage 3.3V-5V
- Digital switching outputs (0 and 1) -D0
- With fixed bolt hole for easy installation
- Small board PCB size: 3cm * 1.6cm
- Power indicator (Red) and the digital switch output indicator (Green)
- Features wide range voltage comparator LM393
Pin outs:
- External 3.3V-5V VCC
- External GND ground
- DO digital output interface, a small plate (0 and 1)
How to use:
- Photosensitive resistor module most sensitive to environmental light intensity is generally used to detect the ambient brightness and light intensity.
- Module light conditions or light intensity reach the set threshold, DO port output high, when the external ambient light intensity exceeds a set threshold, the module D0 output low;
- Digital output D0 directly connected to the MCU, and detect high or low TTL, thereby detecting ambient light intensity changes;
- Digital output module DO can directly drive the relay module, which can be composed of a photoelectric switch;
LDR Module